A Tribute to Weldon Jordan
Weldon Jordan joined the Posse in 1948 and by his record served the Posse in many ways over the years.
He served as Lieutenant in 1994, Wrangler in 1960, Captain in 1963, received his 25 Year Award in 1973, received his 40 Year Award in 1988, received his 50 Year Award in 1998. He was awarded a Life Member Award in 2000, then was the second Posse member to receive his 60 Year Award in 2008. The Posse was saddened with his passing in 2009.
What a legend for the Posse, the community, and the business world as the Weldon Jordan Construction Company. Probably no member contributed more to the Posse than he did during his 61 years. Also add to this his son Bill Jordan served as Captain in 1974, and his grandson Judd Jordan served as Captain in 2003. To this date the only 3 generation Captains for the Posse.